No Nonsense


Like, what does a snowman icon have to do with anything?? Exactly. NOTHING.

What you WON’T find on this site is irrelevant information about recipes on the actual recipe, or long explanations about every single iteration of how the recipe got to where it is now.

What you WILL find is no-nonsense recipes with only the relevant information of how to get from a random assortment of ingredients, to a meal ready to devour. Because by this point, it’s likely flavored mostly with hunger (srs you should probs have had a snack).

I know with only two posts posted I am starting to sound like a naysayer but the one thing that has always bothered me about food blogs is that it takes you until halfway down the page to get to the actual recipe! Sometimes I don’t care about your trip to India or Cleveland or wherever place you’ve been that just incites FOMO. Sometimes I really really don’t care about how you and your kids made cookies together this weekend when its a stir fry recipe! Every October EVERYONE goes to the pumpkin patch, I don’t need 50 photos of how much fun you had, I just need your stuffed pumpkin recipe. I know you didn’t buy your edible pumpkin at the pumpkin patch you bought it at the store or got it in your CSA and are trying to figure out how to use it. (Which is totally fine, guilty of that too!) Anyway, I digress.

Maybe, if I feel it’s totally necessary, I will occasionally put additional information about the recipe below the actual recipe. I want to be someone who posts really easy to look at recipes that don’t jump around the page on your mobile device. Any wordy blog posts will be posted here, on the blog section. Where wordy things belong! All recipe posts will be posted in the recipe section of my website. I will do my best to reference recipes if I am writing about and posting a million photos of my corn maze experience (where I definitely DID NOT buy any of the corn for ANY recipe I will post ever bc that corn most likely isn’t for human consumption but that’s a different story) here, and not above the recipe for my Turnip Corn Chowder that is actually delicious.

This is a format I have always wished other bloggers would use and I decided that if I couldn’t find it then I would just do it (not sponsored by Nike). Sooo, hopefully you find this practice useful as well. Comment below your favorite blogger right now. I am always looking for good bloggers (wordy and not wordy!) who post fire recipes that you should try.



Adrianna VelozComment